Little Dreamers

Sobre el projecte

Volem millorar la creativitat del nostres alumnes, les seves habilitats informàtiques, la seva imaginació, etc. Els alumnes utilitzaran eines web 2.0 de manera eficaç. Crearan imatges, històries, poemes, cançons sobre els diferents tipus de somnis.

Durada: des de setembre de 2018 fins al febrer de 2019.

Resultats esperats

Els alumnes milloraran la seva imaginació.
Els alumnes tindran millors habilitats en anglès.
Es publicaran llibres electrònics de tots elssomnis.
Es crearà una web del projecte.

We are working in international groups. Every school prepares a presentation of the other countries. Students from Ronçana School have created a presentation of Poland.


And this is the presentation a school from Turkey has done about us.


Students introduce themselves in a funny and different way.

5th Graders - GROUP A

5th Graders - GROUP B

5th Graders - GROUP C

We have created logos about the project.

We have dreamt about the future using Autodraw.

We have prepared Christmas cards to send to a school in Turkey.

We have created a motto about dreams.

Our motto e-book:

We have dreamt about a city.


We have written acrostic poems about happiness.

We have written a common acrostic poem with our winner slogan.

Book titled 'Little Dreamers eTwinningProject'
Read this book made on StoryJumper

And here is the website of our project:

And the evaluation of the project: 

  • Students evaluation results:

  • Evaluation of the project e-book:


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